Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dear Susan, June 27, 2010

Dear Susan,
Here I sit with a blank screen in front of me, staring at it until my eyes bleed. I mistakenly
thought that I had something to say

In a week that saw an Australian woman not only break through the glass ceiling but stab her predecessor in the back with its shards, there seems little else to talk about.
There was the story in the paper about a south African man who was jailed for thirty days because he stole a blanket from a German tourist at the World Cup. The blanket in question had been given as a gift to the tourist because he had enough money to buy a ticket from Germany to South Africa and a ticket to watch his team play. The South African on the other hand merely lived in the country that was footing the bill for this extravaganza while its citizens fell about from Aids and malnutrition.

God I'm getting so old and grumpy. Remember when I used to write funny stuff? Can you please remind me about it? I know. I could resurrect an old poem;

I think I'll write a "pome" she said
So down she sat, and to her head
Rushed visions of her unmade bed.

She tried to think an inspired 'think'
Then saw the dishes in the sink
And Rosie who required a drink.

She saw the floor that should be waxed
An ironing basket overtaxed
And plants that looked just too relaxed

The rhymes ran quickly from her dome
She cried "a fool can write a pome"
And so could I, if not for 'HOME'

Maybe I should stick to bleeding eyes and blank computer screens.

Love Janet

1 comment:

  1. Loved the poem,it`s you to a tee.
    Uncl B
